In line with the eighth annual “Health for Humanity Yogathon” or “Surya Namaskar Yajna” (Sun Salutation Marathon), Hindu YUVA at Iowa State University had been invited by the ISU Recreation Center to hold a workshop on Yoga and Pranayama for the student yoga instructors, who have been teaching Yoga to ISU students under the Group Fitness programs. This workshop was held on Sunday, February 8th from 4:30 PM to 6 PM at 2218, State Gym. The workshop focused on the philosophy and theory behind yoga which included interactive presentations along with the demonstration and group practice of a few Yoga postures, Pranayama, and Surya Namaskar (sun salutation). Around 22 students and 6 volunteers attended the workshop. Basic philosophy of Yoga, mind-body-breathing relation, Ashtanga Yoga and other forms of Yoga such as Karm Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, and Gyan Yoga were discussed during the presentation. Different activities such as games followed by deep breathing, Anulom-Vilom and Kapal Bhati Pranayama, OM chanting, and Surya Namaskar kept students engaged throughout the workshop. It was a great success and well received by all the attendees. A lot of students showed interest in learning more about Yoga beyond the physical exercises.
The PDF of the presentation used in the workshop can be downloaded by following the link below. If you require the full version of the presentation, please submit a request to