Hindu YUVA at ISU organized a Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) Marathon till from January 17, 2015 until February 1, 2015 in State Gym from 7pm to 8pm. The event was attended by about 8-10 people daily, wherein Surya Namaskars were performed in groups. Hindu YUVA had set the target of completing 1500 Surya Namaskars during this time period which was easily met, with the total reaching upto 1600. Surya Namaskar provides all the key health benefits of Yoga in a very succinct package. With regular practice, it is an effective way to manage stress and alleviate depression. It improves concentration and focus. It is good for the digestive, nervous and respiratory system. It provides exercise for the muscles, and benefits joints, ligaments and skeletal system by improving posture, flexibility and balance.